Presentation Culture Tourism Training Economy Document/Study

Val Venosta



Definition of the project
Development of the ancient Emperor route Via Claudia Augusta into a European historical route aimed at the tourist and economic promotion of all the territories located along the road.

Features of the project
Accomplishment of a series of common and coordinated actions aiming at creating a global package of multiple offers, each for every single area along the Via Claudia Augusta from the Adriatic to the Danube region. Each package differs from the others in its content and schedule required for its accomplishment.

Facciata Dipinta Feltre

General aims :
Enhancement of a qualified tourism in the areas located along the Via Claudia Augusta according to their specific inclination, potentiality, natural and cultural features to be accomplished through the development and promotion of the different features and the restoration of remarkable artistic and architectural heritage.

The cultural context :
For those areas along the road showing an interest in the discovery of the historical context, it shall be created a closer approach to culture through the enhancement of the ancient Claudia Augusta. The route is also proposed as aggregative means of communication between cultures belonging to the different European countries.



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Structure of the Project
The Reasons for a project
How to understand a route


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