Presentation Culture Tourism Training Economy Document/Study
Villa Tauro - Pullir di Cesiomaggiore


Feltre Veduta Invernale

We were saying that the beginning of the story was incorrect for two reasons : the first is that Lagozzo cannot originate from Augustus, but from lacus, the hydro morphological situation of the area around Altino, known for ages as marshland (le Gallicae paludes vitruviane); the second is a sort of consequence of the first, as we need to highlight the fact that roads in aggere or "in levada" do not increase their importance in comparison with a side road system but refer to specific characteristics of the ground. .It seems therefore that transhumance practice has been carried out for long in the trevigiano and feltrino areas, in particular due to the presence of farms in the altino area. The most logical hypothesis seems that Lagozzo and the roads of the Piave area (known as territorial roads) were used as passage roads for cattle and flocks leading towards piedmont pastures.


Our initial definition of "goat track" for some stretches named as Claudia Augusta may have not been too far from reality. In particular the stretch on which the road Opitergium-Tridentum (Fener, Feltre, Valsugana) was later built, was used by the shepherds of the Tisino to lead their flocks to pasture in the Friuli region. Obviously, what we have stated so far would be valid even though the road Altino-Feltre would not be identifiable with the Claudia Augusta (the still existing doubt is on the origin of the cippus at Cesiomaggiore. Is it an original piece or an 18th century reconstruction ?) However, I don't intend to further complicate the matter. Guido Rosada

Guido Rosada






PresentationHow to understand a route

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Architecture of Plan
Idea of Plan
LThe Reasons of Plan
How to understand a route




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